
Latest jack reacher book
Latest jack reacher book


But the additions replace the series’ quaint touches, which had their value. Much may be made of the fact that he uses a mobile phone in this book and has to figure out what servers are. One aim of The Sentinel is to bring the Big Guy into the tech world. (Lee’s tricks were smarter and quicker.) And I have no idea why Reacher needs to do so much shopping this time, but he does. It’s presumably Andrew who externalises much of Reacher’s thinking into chatter, turns every fight into a multipage affair and calls excess attention to Reacher’s intrinsic genius for geometry and physics. Reacher stays far too busy dealing with all of this. The Childs need to get back to Lee’s sharp writing game too.

latest jack reacher book

Of course he finds local trouble, and he can see it – oh, boy – “as clearly as if a sky writer had spelled it out with white smoke”. And that’s about as much walking as he’ll do in this town, even though Reacher 1.0 favoured long treks that soothed readers. He gets a ride with a travelling insurance guy, then walks right into a trap set for Rusty Rutherford, a newly unemployed IT manager. There are those of us who always enjoyed the idea of Reacher’s rambling into another little Nowhere, finding somebody in distress, setting things right, draining the diner of coffee and ambling on. Then it heads off to greater metropolitan Pleasantville, Tennessee, and a suitably one-horse town where the real fun awaits. It starts off in Nashville, where Reacher stages that break-in and where, by page 16, he has busted a larynx, a windpipe and a nose, not all belonging to the same person. It’s also action-packed to a fault, which robs it of the leanness that is one of the series’ main attractions.

latest jack reacher book


Lee Child and Jack Reacher fans who have finished the entire series but are still yearning for more suspenseful thrillers with daring heroes should check out our selection of Tom Clancy novels.The Sentinel shows the same grisliness that was beginning to turn up in Lee’s later books Andrew wrote that way from the start. Naturally, this benevolent inclination puts him on a crash course with nefarious baddies, but the reader still gets to experience a mystery novel and interesting character profile in one. As for The Midnight Line, in addition to the usual action-packed plot, it also explores Reacher's softer side, following him on an altruistic mission spurred by his military pride and desire to do the right thing. Persuader takes one of Jack's best-loved traits - his sense of justice - and puts it to the test when his personal feelings threaten to get in the way of his moral compass. We felt Lee Child's "Persuader" and The Midnight Line were strong contenders to fill these vacant spots thanks to a few standout qualities.

latest jack reacher book

When updating this list, we said goodbye to Without Fail and 61 Hours, two well-received, yet slightly obscure, additions to the Reacher lineup. Many avid readers and critics agree that it doesn't perform as well as the most acclaimed Reacher novels, but that isn't to say it's not worth picking up at some point.


You'll notice that the most recent installment, "Blue Moon" did not make the latest update due to it falling short of our criteria. While fans of the Jack Reacher series are in heated disagreement as to which novel is the best, our list ranks them based on purposeful plotting, tight pacing, well-developed characters, engaging descriptions, and other literary merits, as well as how entertaining they are when all is said and done.

Latest jack reacher book